
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Jumbo-sized July: Giant Golden-crowned Flying Fox

       The golden-crowned flying fox, or Acerodon jubatus, is the largest species of bat in the world. Their faces are very fox-like, giving them the name, "flying fox". They also have golden fur on their heads, hence the name, "golden-crowned". As for the "giant" part, their 5 foot wingspan explains that pretty well. Although they are the size of a large hawk, these bats only weigh about 2.5 pounds. Although they are frighteningly huge, they are not carnivores; they feed upon fruit. These majestic creatures are solely found in the Philippines, but are rare even there. The golden-crowned flying fox is highly endangered and at risk of extinction. However, few people are concerned with their conservation.

Pistol Shrimp

    Pistol shrimp, also known as snapping shrimp, or Alpheidae, is a family of arthropods with a bizarre adaptation. These shrimp have developed an over-sized claw with a small hole on one of their arms. They quickly snap this claw together, creating a high pressure bubble within it. This causes a high velocity stream of water to shoot through the hole in their claw, carrying a bubble in it's wake. This bubble is rapidly shrinking, and compressing the air inside, creating a pocket of oxygen that can reach up to 10,000 degrees fahrenheit. When this bubble erupts, it not only emits a sound capable of stunning fish, but creates a flash of light which scientists dub, "shrimpoluminescence".  The pistol shrimp mainly feeds upon smaller fish and invertebrates. These unique shrimp are barely the size of your finger, but they are one of the loudest creatures in the ocean.

Jumbo Sized July: Piraiba

     The piraiba is a giant cat fish that can grow up to 10 feet in length and 600 pounds in weight. Piraiba have been known to eat almost anything including humans. they live in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Guyana. There are several more large catfish including the red-tail catfish and the goonch. These are some of the most feared freshwater fish on Earth.  

Friday, July 11, 2014

Jumbo-sized July: Megaladapis

     The genus Megaladapis is an extinct group of lemurs, consisting of three species. These primates, the largest of their kind, could grow to five feet long, and weighed up to 110 pounds. These creatures resided peacefully in Madagascar until 1,500 years ago, when colonists arrived. The colonists destroyed their habitat and hunted them, causing their population to dwindle down until they went extinct 500 years ago. It most likely fed upon vegetation among the trees that it lived in. Unlike most primates, megaladapis's eyes were located on the sides of it's head, rather than on the front.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Jumbo Sized July: Japanese Spider Crab

The japanese spider crab is usually found in the pacific ocean near Japan. It lives at depths of 160 - 2,000 feet. It was named the spider crab because its similarity to a spider. the spider crab usually grows to 15 inches wide and up to 44 pounds, But the males are usually bigger than the females. the japanese spider crab is one of the largest arthropods known.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Jumbo-sized July: Saltwater Crocodile

     The Saltwater Crocodile is the world's largest living reptile. This creature'a habitat stretches from the northeast corner of the Indian Ocean all the way to the Western Pacific. This giant crocodile can eat anything that fits in its deadly jaws including: monkeys, wild boar, and even sharks. The way this giant can devour such massive animals is by propelling themselves out of the water with their powerful tail. Then, they grasp their victims with its deadly jaws. Next, it submerges under the water and waits until its helpless victims drown. Though these animals are at low risk of extinction and have a population of around 200,000-300,000, their skins are the most coveted among all crocodile skins.

Jumbo-sized July: Polar Bear

       The polar bear, or Ursus maritimus, is the largest terrestrial carnivore in the world. The largest species of bears, they can reach lengths of up to nine feet. Polar bears mainly eat seals, but have been known to eat walruses and beluga whales. They are native to the arctic, and certain arctic regions nearby. The polar bear is solitary for the majority of its adulthood. To reach the seals that they prey upon under the ice, the polar bear uses a peculiar tactic. It uses it's excellent sense of smell to locate a seal den, then it smashes it's paws downward to crush the thick layer of ice and reach the seal. The polar bear is classified as threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and it is known that only about 20,000 of these bears are still alive. Their main threat is global warming, which is harshly reducing their range. Although there are many conservation efforts in action, some scientists believe that polar bears could go extinct by 2050.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Aloe Plant

           The Aloe Plant is a succulent plant that can usually survive with or with out aid from humans.
Their healing and soothing properties are well known and come from a semi-sticky substance that comes from the inner part of it's leaves.

Jumbo-sized July

    We are excited to announce that throughout July, we will be releasing posts about the giants of the animal kingdom. Please enjoy Jumbo-sized July.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Post Of The Month

      We are happy to announce that the votes for June's post of the month are in. The favorite post of June is............. Megalania Prisca, by Wyatt Cummings! Megalania Prisca came in first with 2 votes. The Silent Rattlesnake, by Drew Rogers, tied for second with 1 vote with Monster Of The Deep, by Wyatt Cummings. Remember your favorites from July for next time!