
Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Roloway Monkey

      The Roloway monkey, or Cercopithecus roloway, is an endangered species found in the jungles of West Africa. This guenon (Old World monkey) is distinguishable by its long beard. Roloway monkeys live in the canopies of jungles and rainforests in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia among other West African areas. The Roloway monkey is an omnivore, and eats a diverse selection of insects, fruits, seeds, and flowers. This monkey is endangered because of hawk-eagles, chimpanzees, leopards, and, most of all, humans. Africans kill the Roloway monkey for their bushmeat, a delicacy in West African cultures. The monkeys also breed less often because groups of males will stray off from their group, and the females will stay behind. The Roloway monkey is diurnal, and will spend its days hunting and sometimes playing in the lush African rainforests and jungles. 

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