
Friday, December 12, 2014

Deadliest December: Polar Bear

When you hear "polar bear" a fluffy white bear might pop into your brain. These massive bears look cute and cuddly, but they are actually extreme killers. Polar bears, or Ursus maritimus live mainly in the Arctic Circle. They make dens in the snowy masses of land. Polar bears can swim exceptionally well because of their massive paws, although they prefer land. Seals are their main food source; they use a method of hunting called still-hunting, where they stand near breathing holes in the ice and wait. When a seal comes up to breathe, they kill it. Polar bears are classified as "threatened" in the conservation status. The main reason is because of global warming, and the melting of the polar ice caps. While these animals cause at least ten deaths per year, they are still endangered, and we should help to keep these animals alive.

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