
Friday, December 12, 2014

The Siberian Tiger

Deadliest December: The Siberian Tiger

This majestic creature is known as dangerous, deadly, and simply horrific, but as true "Tiger Lovers" know, they are deeply misunderstood. The Siberian Tigers live mainly in eastern Russia's Birch Forests, although there is a scarce population of them in China and North Korea. This fascinating animal is slowly -but entirely- going extinct, and according to the latest research there are only 400-500 of them left. These tigers live in a harsher climate than most, but they do have certain
advantages, such as human density being lower than any other tiger habitat in the world. Panthera Tigris Altaica (scientific name) are known for their strength, agility, and power, while also being graceful, stealthy, and dignified mammals. Their size rockets past every member of the wildcat family, measuring up to 11 feet in length. These incredible forms of life were once a part of a family of eight other species of tigers, that have all gone completely extinct during the 20th century. Over the last hundred years the tiger population has gone from hundreds of thousands, to thousands, to now less than 1,000 tigers. This drastic drop in numbers is due to hunting, forest destruction, human agriculture, as hunting trophies, and some body parts are used in traditional Chinese medicines. Poaching, although extremely reduced, is still a massive issue in the process of saving Siberian Tigers. These tigers have been hanging on by a thin thread, fighting for their lives to remain of this earth, and we, as a race, are obligated to make an effort to salvage them.

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