
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Monitor Mayhem: Komodo Dragon

      The Komodo dragon, or Varanus komodoensis, is a species of monitor lizards indigenous to the Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia. They are the largest lizards in the world, measuring 10 feet long and weighing up to 300 pounds. They are armed with razor sharp teeth, poisonous bacteria in their saliva, sharp claws, and a muscular tail which they utilize as a whip. Komodo dragons feed upon deer, pigs, smaller monitor lizards, water buffalo, and even humans. Only about 5,000 of these lizards are believed to be alive in the wild, causing them to be classified as endangered. The Komodo dragon is an elusive creature and was only discovered about 100 years ago. Although attacks are rare, there have been over 10 attacks within the last 5 years. This just goes to show that these majestic monitors should be observed, not disturbed.

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