
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Silent Rattlesnake

The Silent Rattlesnake is not a new species of rattlesnake, but a adaptation that rattlesnakes are beginning to adopt. Humans are one of the main causes of this adaptation because we have taken to killing rattlesnakes on sight. Usually it isn't us seeing them, but them rattling and us locating the source of the sound and killing it. But when the rattlesnake doesn't rattle it tends to not be noticed and therefore not be killed making the non-rattling version of the species more dominant than the original rattling version. This good or bad adaptation has been around for around six or seven years but is only being publicly noticed in the past year or so.


Anonymous said...

If these rattlesnakes are silent, won't that affect their ability to survive, because they need their rattle to deter predators?

Drew said...

no because humans kill them the most by being silent they have a higher chance of survival even though some still get killed by pretadors

Anonymous said...

True..... Nature will always put the community before any specific individual. I wonder if any other animals with defensive mechanisms have adapted the same way to evade humans.....

Drew said...

Great comment,
I will do some research and talk to some of our other authors to encourage them to post about such animals

Anonymous said...

I highly recommend that. I will be looking forward to it!