
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Monitor Mayhem: Nile Monitor

    The Nile monitor, or Varanus niloticus, is a species of monitor native to central and southern Africa. These carnivores prey upon crocodile eggs, fish, frogs, turtles, rodents, lizards, mussels, crabs, and snails. They are commonly found in the woodlands and swamps of their range. Their main predators are crocodiles and pythons. They can measure in length from 5 to 7 feet. This aggressive lizard  has a whipping tail and a powerful bite force. They are semi-aquatic and can stay underwater for up to an hour, allowing them to evade predators or stalk prey. Due to release from pet owners, Nile monitors have established a population in south Florida. In this environment, they can prey upon native and endangered Florida species. There are efforts to end the invasion, but if these monitors spread and thrive, they might become the dominant species, and spread to northern states.

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