
Monday, June 9, 2014


      Thelyphonida is an order of arthropods which consists of arachnids known as vinegaroons, also known as whip scorpions. However, these creatures are not true scorpions. They have a few distinct differences. To start, instead of a stinger, they have a thin "whip". They also have pincer-like jaws like most scorpions. They have three pairs of legs for walking, and one antennae-like pair for feeling. They range in size from about 1 and a half to 3 inches. They are commonly found in Western Texas. Vinegaroons mainly eat smaller creatures such as insects and worms. They are known to use their pincers to defend against large predators. They can also secrete an odor from a gland that smells similar to vinegar, giving them the name "vinegaroon".

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