
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Underwater Death-match

      Deep in Antarctic waters there is a constant war between a colossal predator and colossal prey. Two of the largest killers on Earth constantly fight to the death. They are the sperm whale and the colossal squid.

      The sperm whale is a large species of carnivorous whale. It feeds on fish and-yes, squid. It dives thousands of feet every day in search of prey. It is easily distinguishable because of it's huge rectangular head which is used to hold the worlds largest brain. They are also equipped with razor sharp teeth for grabbing prey. Males can grow to over 50 feet long.

       The colossal squid is the largest squid (in terms of mass) alive today. It is the second longest though, behind the giant squid. No living adults have been recorded, but because of dead specimens and juveniles, it is estimated that an adult colossal squid could reach 35 feet, and weigh up to 1,000 pounds. They are equipped with eight grasping arms and two long tentacles lined with hooks perfect for grabbing sperm whales. Unlike their enemy, they do not eat their competitor. Instead, they eat fish.

        After these titanic battles, it is usually the sperm whale that swims away. However, sometimes the colossal squid defeats the sperm whale. Although these battles have never been actively watched, due to either a scar-covered whale, or a dead squid, these battles are happening and devastating both species forever.

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